
To My Retired Friend Wei

杜甫 Du Fu 


We have been unable to see each other for so long,
We have been like morning and evening stars that never meet in the sky.
What a night this has been?
For us to share this candlelight.

For how long does youth last?
Your hair has greyed and so has mine.
Of the old acquaintances I called upon, half of them have ghosts become,
Aghast and gut-wrenched I cried.

All of a sudden twenty years have gone by
Before I could again call on where you reside.
You were not engaged when we went our separate ways,
You are now married with children after all this time.
They courteously greet their father’s friend,
And my journey enquire.
Before I could their curiosity satisfy,
You have your son bringing out the wine.

We nibble on spring chives just gathered in the evening rain,
In a fresh meal that rough grains contain,
You marvel at how unexpected such a reunion is,
In one raise of a cup, you gulp down more than a pint.
Pints after, high in spirit you are, yet sober still,
And I am grateful for your friendship so genuine.
From tomorrow, there will be mountains to us separate,
What the future holds is veiled and vague.


行草 74x199cm 二連屏

2018 戊戌

Author: 安禪 李